
RedBubble Art Manager for Windows v1.4.0.0 Released

Earlier today I released a new version of my RedBubble art manager application (that was v1.3.0.0).

The main change in that release was the addition of a "Preview" button to the promotion code dialog:

When you use this a new window will appear that shows a preview of the image that is generated, like this:

Also, as per a suggestion from shawhouse, I added size parameters to the laminated and framed prints. This makes a subtle difference to the final image.

Just as I was making the release I got a message from reflexio to say that they'd discovered that RBArtMan failed to download an art list if you've only got a single page of art. This was a very easy fix.

So, later on in the day I released v1.4.0.0.

As well as fixing that bug I added a profile promotion code generator dialog:

It generates code that creates a banner for your profile just like you can find in your promote tab here on RedBubble. The main difference is that it'll do Textile code (used as the markup language on RedBubble) and BBCode as well as HTML.

The result is that you get little banners like this:

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